Two Women Lead Harrison High School Class of 2022
Jun 25, 2022
The Harrison High School Class of 2022 graduated on Friday, June 24, 2022, at a ceremony held for the most part outside on the Harrison High School sports field. The Valedictorian Sara Elizabeth Valentin and Salutatorian Keisha Salas addressed the graduates, parents, teachers, Board of Education members, and elected officials who attended the graduation ceremony.
The Graduation ceremony was the culmination of a two-week-long series of events celebrating the Harrison High School Class of 2022. On Monday, June 13th, an Academic Awards ceremony was held at the Harrison High Auditorium. On the following Monday, June 20th there was a Senior Breakfast and Yearbook Signing gathering. On Tuesday, June 21st, there was a Senior Send-Off Celebration at the high school after school hours. On Friday, June 24th, there was the Graduation as previously mentioned. There were graduation practice sessions throughout the week as well.
This year’s High School Graduation was the 112th Harrison High School Commencement Ceremony. The Harrison High School Band and Choir members participated in the Commencement Ceremony as well.
The graduates also celebrated with an unofficial traditional car decoration and car parade up and down Frank E. Rodgers Blvd and around town letting everyone know they were graduates of Harrison High School’s class of 2022.
As mentioned at the graduation, the Class of 2022 faced challenges that other classes have not faced due to the Covid pandemic. Learning was taken online. Harrison High School Principal Matthew Weber recognized the resiliency of the students and he was going to miss the Class of 2022 who he said were very fine young men and women. He wished them well in their future endeavors. He also mentioned that the mothers in the audience were the ones that would have the hardest time adjusting to the fact that their babies, his students, were now young men and women ready to go out into the World. He reminded the students to take their mother’s call otherwise they are going to leave long voicemail messages as his mother does to him.
Salutatorian Keisha Salas spoke at the Graduation ceremony and stated that the graduates “went to the absolute best and the unforgettable worse time to be sitting anxiously awaiting to walk across the stage and receive a diploma that will close a chapter of our lives. Tears were shed by many during this adventure in our lives … as someone once said ‘In order to smile there are moments in our lives that we have to cry.” Salas went on to thank her parents stating that her “sources of encouragement were her family, specifically her parents, who arrived [to the United States of America] without anything but gave [her] the wings to fly and achieve this goal in [her] life.” Salas stated to her parents in Spanish “Thank you for your support this achievement I am sharing with you. This is a beginning of a new expedition we will continue to build on the foundation we built at Harrison High School.”
Valedictorian Sara Elizabeth Valentin had the traditional closing remarks. Her speech centered on tackling the fear of the unknown and the importance of mentors and a support system. She attributed the key to success was the mentors such as parents, teachers, and coaches who were always pushing you to your greatest potential by believing in you. Sara mentioned one of her mentors Mr. Kolokowski who she thanked for believing in her and assisting her.
Sara also thanked her parents stating in Spanish directed at her family, “Thank you for always supporting me in all of my goals and dreams and never losing faith in me. Without your support, I would not be the woman I am today, therefore… I am proud to be your daughter and have you as my parents. I love you very much." Sara stated before closing that the takeaway message she wanted everyone to remember is that with a solid foundation and a support system anything is possible.
Director of Personnel / Human Resources / Compliance and Crisis Management & Councilman, James Doran spoke during the Graduating Ceremony about his graduating from Harrison High School in 1978 and his achievements. Acting Superintendent of School / Director of Curriculum and Instruction, Maureen Kroog was present but did not speak during the Graduation Ceremony. Harrison Mayor James Fife who appoints the members of the Harrison Board of Education spoke briefly at the Graduation Ceremony.
We would be remiss if we did not mention Karianne Arias who was the student master of ceremony and reader of Diploma recipients who also graduated with Principal Honors. Karianne did an excellent job and showed great poise and presence throughout the Graduation Ceremony.
What are your thoughts on the Harrison High School Class of 2022? What’s your words of advice for the graduates? Tell us about your High School experience? Let Us Know Your Thoughts on our Community Discussion Board. If you have not signed up yet to participate you can Sign Up now.
Photo Credit: Harrison High School Staff Photographer