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The Harrison Public Library: A Rich History of Literacy and Learning

May 09, 2022
Harrison Public Library

Today, the Harrison Public Library continues to be a place of learning and discovery. It offers a variety of programs and services for children, teens, and adults. The library also has an extensive collection of books, magazines, and other materials. Whether you are looking for a place to read or learn about something new, the Harrison Public Library is a great resource. Visit today and see all that the Harrison Public Library has to offer. 

Harrison Public Library in 1938 Photo

The Library is located at 415 Harrison Avenue, Harrison NJ, and is open from 9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday.  Hours may be expanding so call the Library at (973) 483-2366 to check the current hours of operation. There are no weekend hours at this time. 

The Harrison Public Library also provides access to ELibrary NJ and resources from the New Jersey State Library including Brainfuse, Liver Tutoring, Writing Lab, Skill Surfer, Language Lab, Leap Learning Platform, Flashbulb, eParachute, Meet, and Brainwave. 

During the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt’s administration under the "New Deal" provided Federal money under the Public Works Administration (PWA) to create what is now known as Library Park.  When the Library Park was completed in November of 1936 the park was named the Franklin D. Roosevelt Park.

The PWA project included the large lawn area, the construction of a Public Library, and a United States Post Office building.  Work on the Harrison Public Library was started in 1936 and took two years to complete.  The PWA provided $42,476 the equivalent of  $858,144.  The total cost to build the Library was $112,273 when it was completed in 1938 which is the equivalent today of $2,268,259.  A significant investment by then Mayor Frederick J. Gassert & Council with assistant of President Roosevelt's Public Works Administration.

The Library building was designed to be fireproof with steel trusses, concrete floors, and brick bearing walls with a slate roof.  The building is almost 100 feet by 60 feet.  There are three levels to the building.  There is the main floor with a reading room, a book stack area, a designated workroom, a check-out desk, and a librarian’s office.  The ground floor contains a Community Conference Room, Staff Room, Workroom, a bathroom, and utility/heating equipment area. The mezzanine level contains an Exhibit Room.

Of interest is that the Town of Harrison and Town of Wantage were grouped as part of the package of Federal PWA  appropriations. The Town of Harrison had two buildings included in the appropriation, the Library and the United States Post office while the Town of Wantage had one larger project the Wantage Elementary School.  If you compare photographs of the buildings, you can see the similarities. You can see the similarities between the Wantage Elementary School and the Harrison Library and the Harrison United States Post Office. All three buildings have stood the test of time.

Wantage Elementary School, Harrison's Sister PWA Project

What are your thoughts on the Harrison Library? Join the discussion on our community board and let us know. Share your photos with us and tell us what you think of Library whose front yard is one of Harrison’s Green Spaces.