Harrison Meetings Canceled Mayor & Council Meet Tues. Aug. 1, 2023
Jul 25, 2023
Two of the last Three Harrison's local government meetings for this month have been canceled and the third meeting was moved to an earlier date. On Tuesday, August 1, 2023, the Mayor & Council Meeting is scheduled (details below).
The Zoning Board Meeting, initially scheduled for Wednesday, July 19, 2023, was canceled. On Friday, July 21, 2023, the Harrison Redevelopment Agency announced the cancellation of their meeting slated for Monday, July 24, 2023.
Adding to the schedule changes, the Harrison Planning Board meeting that was originally scheduled for Wednesday, July 26, 2023, had been previously moved to Wednesday, July 12, 2023. Therefore, for those who might not have been aware of the change, this week's spot on the calendar - Wednesday, July 26 - has now been officially marked as 'canceled'. Before being marked canceled, the Town of Harrison website indicated that it had been moved to Wednesday, July 12, 2023.
The next Town of Harrison meeting is the Mayor & Council meeting scheduled for Tuesday, August 1, 2023. The meeting will start at 6:30 p.m. According to the official notice for the meeting, it will be held using the Zoom videoconferencing software.
Why It’s Important to Attend Mayor & Council Meetings
Harrison Town Hall - 318 Harrison Ave, Harrison NJ
These disruptions to the meeting schedules underscore the importance of public attendance at town meetings. Transparency and open communication in local governance is crucial for maintaining the health of a democracy. The public's role in these meetings, whether through direct participation or simply being an observant member, is vital. Residents have a right to be informed and engaged about decisions that shape the future of their communities.
Quality of Life Issues Raised at Public Session
At the Tuesday, July 11, 2023, Mayor & Council meeting residents asked questions of and made statements to the Mayor & Council covering several topics including the closure for extended periods of time of South Frank E. Rodgers Blvd. during Red Bull Arena soccer games which impede the ability of residents to return to their homes along Frank E. Rodgers Blvd.
In addition, there were questions about work that was started before Election Day in November of 2022, has stalled and not moving forward on North 5th Street next to the West Hudson Park. Concerns about illegal parking returned and the proposed improvements were not continued.
Also at the Public Session, a resident stated that a Children’s park was in a state of disrepair and was assured by the Town Clerk that the park was going to be renovated. In the meantime, an inspection would be made and if repairs were necessary they would be addressed. The Recreation Department had not noticed the need for the repairs as the Mayor & Council were not aware of the current state of the Children’s Park.
Meeting Agenda
The agenda for the upcoming Mayor & Council meeting will be made available closer to the meeting date, likely on Monday, July 31, 2023, in the afternoon or Tuesday, August 1, 2023, in the late morning. Information on the meeting will be posted on Your Harrison when it becomes available. You can also check the Town of Harrison website for the Agenda.
Mark Your Calendar
Residents of Harrison are encouraged to mark Tuesday, August 1, 2023, on their calendars and plan to attend. These meetings are more than just for elected officials; they are a testament to the democratic process at work at the local level, where decisions often have the most immediate impact. So, your voice and your presence matter. Stand up, show up, and let your voice be heard. Ask a Question. Make a Statement. Or Just Attend and Listen. When the Public attends town meetings, our Democracy flourishes and our elected officials get much-needed input on how their decisions affect the residents of Harrison NJ.
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