Harrison Mayor & Council Meeting Tues. Jan. 17th 2023 6:30 pm. Via Zoom
Jan 15, 2023
The Town of Harrison Mayor & Council meeting will be held on Tues. Jan. 17th, 2023 at 6:30 P.M Via Zoom. The public is invited to attend and participate in the Public Session and/or the Public Session during an Ordinance discussion.
This month's agenda includes among other items:
An Appointment to the Board of Trustees of the Harrison Public Library;
Appointment of Daniel Choffo to the Harrison Redevelopment Agency as a Commissioner;
Ordinance to exceed the 2.5% state cap on Municipal Budget by an additional 1.3 Million Dollars;
Resolution Adopting Cash Management Plan;
Resolution Setting 18% interest on Property Tax Delinquent payments over $1,500.
Resolution for Digitizing Construction Department Records.
The full Town of Harrison Mayor & Council Agency can be found through this link.
This meeting will provide audience members with an opportunity not only to ask questions about a particular Resolution, Ordinance, or any topic that is not on the Agenda and to express their opinion about something of concern to the citizen. All citizens are invited to take part in this discussion as our input is a valuable contribution to the success of our nation’s democracy.
The January 17, 2023 meeting of the Harrison Mayor & Council starts at 6:30 p.m. and is via Zoom. Click on the words Zoom Link to attend the meeting. You can also participate by calling in on your phone by dialing the Telephone Number: 1 646 876 9923 when prompted enter Webinar ID: 845 1965 9227 Passcode: 479413 To raise your hand to speak enter *9
There is both a time to address the Mayor & Council when an Ordinance is introduced and a Public session regarding the Ordinance is announced. In addition, there is an opportunity for the Public to speak during the Public Session of the meeting where questions can be asked and/or complaints, comments, and suggestions can be made. There is a 5-minute time period for each member of the public. The Mayor can extend the period for a member of the public to speak. Anyone can speak at the meeting. There is no residency requirement to speak.
See our prior article Wednesday Night: Ask the Mayor for detailed information on how to attend and the Public Session of the meeting if you want to learn more about the Mayor & Council Meeting process.
So what are your thoughts on the items on the Mayor & Council Meeting Agenda? Let Us Know Your Thoughts on our Community Discussion Board. If you have not signed up yet to participate you can Sign Up now. This is the first Mayor & Council meeting for the Calendar Year 2023. The first Town of Harrison Mayor & Council Meeting was scheduled for January 3, 2023, but was canceled.