Harrison Braces for Fri. Jan. 19, 2024, 2nd Snow Storm This Week
Jan 18, 2024
Just when you thought it was safe to retire your snow boots to the back of the closet, Mother Nature, in her infinite whimsy, cues the snow for a second act in Harrison. This Friday, the skies are set to open their frosty floodgates once more, proving that in the world of winter weather, sequels are just as thrilling as the original.
Today, Harrison is playing it cool (literally in the 20s) under a blanket of mostly cloudy skies, with the occasional snow shower dropping in to say a chilly hello. But like a guest that can't quite commit to the party, these flurries are expected to leave almost as soon as they arrive, without leaving much of a trace.
Enter Friday, the main event, forecasted with the meteorological mastery of Harrison's own Anthony “Tony” Mondaro of the Harrison Weather Station. The script for the day? Snow, with a plot twist of 1 to 3 inches of accumulation. While that might not sound like blockbuster levels of snow, it's enough to turn the evening commute into a potential slippery slide, particularly since the temperatures in the last few days have not gotten over the freezing mark and there may be some ice under the new snow on untreated or undertreated roads.
In a narrative turn that will surprise no one, the morning rush hour is set to proceed without a hitch. But as the day wears on, travelers should brace for a flurry of complications. With temperatures set to waltz in the upper 20s to lower 30s, it's the perfect range for snow to lay down its frosty carpet.
Following this snowy spectacle, Friday night promises a clear sky, as if the heavens themselves decided to give Harrison a break. But don't be fooled – temperatures will plummet to the teens, making it a night where even the moon might shiver.
The weekend, while staying dry, isn't planning on any warmth encores. Days will be cold, with highs loitering in the 20s, and nights even colder, huddling in the teens. It's the kind of weather that makes you appreciate the indoors, hot beverages and the concept of central heating.
Harrison Weather Center staff are likely still recovering from the first round of snow this week. Director Anthony Mondaro’s forecast was right on the money for Tuesday’s snowstorm. Mondaro is ready for round two and his forecast is expected to be par for the course, a professional and accurate forecast without any hype. Residents are advised to exercise caution and patience – especially during the evening commute. Remember, while snow might be beautiful to watch from the comfort of your home, it's a whole different story when you're behind the wheel.
So, Harrison, as you gear up for Snowstorm: The Sequel, remember to layer up, drive safe, fill up your tank if your fuel is low, and maybe, just maybe, find a moment to enjoy the winter wonderland – after all, it's not every week you get to experience this twice. Stay warm, stay safe, and if you can, stay off the roads. And a huge shoutout to Anthony Mondaro for keeping us all one step ahead of Mother Nature's chilly surprises!
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