Deadline To Register To Vote Next Tuesday, Oct. 18, 2022
Oct 11, 2022
If you want to vote in the November 8, 2022, General Election, you have to register to vote by next Tuesday, October 18, 2022. The great thing this year is that you can Register to Vote online. A great option for those pressed for time. Click here to Register to Vote Online. If you want to Register to Vote and mail it in, you can download a Voter Registration Application through this link. If you are not sure if you are registered to vote, you can check through the Voter Registration Database by clicking on this link
To Register to Vote in New Jersey you must be:
A United States citizen
At least 17 years old, though you may not vote until you have reached the age of 18
A resident of the county for 30 days before the election
A person NOT currently serving a sentence, probation or parole because of a felony conviction
James Fife v. Anselmo Millan Election for Mayor
The only contested local race in Harrison this year is the Mayor's race. Who will lead the Town of Harrison for the next four years will be decided by the Voters of Harrison. Your Vote Counts as the last contested Mayor race was decided by a swing of 150 voters. So are you going to go out and Vote this year? You have a lot of options thanks to the New Jersey Legislature.
Voting Options
You can Vote 1 of 3 ways:
1. Vote by Mail. Request a Vote By Mail Ballot and you can Vote on a paper ballot and return it in a timely fashion to cast your vote.
2. Early In-Person Voting. You can go to the Kearny Town Hall, 402 Kearny Avenue in Kearny NJ, and visit the 2nd Floor to use the newest In Person Voting machines. Early Voting is from October 29, 2022, to November 6, 2022 (A Full 9 Days). No Appointment is Necessary. Early Voting is available Monday thru Satuday 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. and Sundays 10 a.m. to 6 p.m.
3. Voting Day. You can Vote in Person from 6 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Election Day, Tuesday, November 8th, 2022.
Information on the Mayoral Candidates
Early Voting In-Person Voting Machine
In this year's election, you have a choice between incumbent Mayor James Fife and former Councilman Anselmo Millan who served as Councilman for 26 years. Millan gave up his Council seat in his bid to be Mayor of Harrison in 2018.
The Millan for Mayor 2022 Campaign has a website, with an Issues & Solutions section, a Record of Accomplishment page which is extensive, Voting information including How to Register to Vote, How to Register to Vote By Mail, Early In-Person Voting, Poll Locations with Photos. There is also a link to a Petition of EPA and New Jersey Governor Phil Murphy to stop the dumping of sludge from the Passaic River in the former PSE&G Natural Gas Producing Plant.
We were not able to locate a Website for the Fife for Mayor Campaign. It does not appear that the campaign set up a Campaign website.
On the Ballot
Incumbent Mayor James Fife is on Column B. Mayoral Candidate Anselmo Millan is on Column H or as he likes to say H for Harrison. H For a Better Harrison. Column H is the farthest column on the Righthand side of the Ballot.
Issues Facing Harrison
What are the biggest five issues that you would like the next Mayor of Harrison to address? Is it a Lack of Parking? Stopping the Passaic River Sludge Dumping at PSE&G site. High Property Taxes? Lack of Community Activities? Lack of After School Programs for Students? Senior Citizen Improved Activities and Food in Senior Center?
Let Us Know Your Thoughts on our Community Discussion Board. If you have not signed up yet to participate you can Sign Up now. Sign Up for Free.