Barcelona FC v. Red Bulls FC Predicted to Sell Out
Jul 01, 2022
On Saturday, July 30, 2022, at 7 p.m. FC Barcelona takes on the New York Red Bulls at the Red Bulls Arena in Harrison NJ. Or should we say the New York Red Bulls take on the FC Barcelona team? The game has Sold Out or is very close to selling out. It’s a good bet that all 25,000 seats of the Red Bulls game will be filled.
It is not the first Sold Out game at the Red Bulls Arena. The recent, June 2, 2022 game between Ecuador and Nigerian national teams sold out the Red Bulls Arena. It also caused gridlock and strained the Emergency Services of the Town of Harrison. Harrison and Hudson County Sheriff officers were busy with several incidents arising from over-enthusiastic fans. The Red Bulls Arena management hires traffic officers but these traffic officers are not off-duty police officers but civilians tasked with managing traffic. Some are better than others and it is not a pretty sight to see when one of these inexperienced “traffic officers” almost gets run over by drivers frustrated by gridlock.
Given the money that is being generated by the Red Bulls Arena at this FC Barcelona game with the New York Red Bulls, one hopes that the New York Red Bulls management and FC Barcelona increase the budget for security and additional off-duty police officers from other local municipalities to have a presence directing traffic and indirectly providing deterrence to anyone who is too enthusiastic in their celebration of their favorite team.
Red Bulls Arena Gray Areas Sold Out.
Those who do not already have tickets for the game may need t go beyond Ticketmaster and go to alternative ticket vendors like SeatGeek, Stubhub, and VividSeats. Some ticket purchasers invested in tickets early with the expectation that tickets for the game would sell out and are now cashing in on their investment by selling tickets for a game that is Sold Out. Capitalism at its best. So if you are a huge fan of FC Barcelona or the New York Red Bulls and must see this game live in a sold-out stadium you can still purchase your ticket but do not tell anyone how much you paid because your spouse may go out shopping for that special item they thought was just a little too much to spend.
Seat Geek Red Bulls Arena Barcelona Green Ticket Dots (Click Photo) covered the FC Barcelona v. Red Bulls game early on in an article and we take full credit for selling out the game. The Sold Out game has nothing to do with FC Barcelona or the New York Red Bulls but is all about’s promotion of the game. Hey, do you agree with our statement? Ok, we had very little to do with the Sold Out game but we may get the attention of FC Barcelona management and the Red Bulls management that they do seriously have to consider hiring additional off-duty officers to supplement the Harrison and Hudson County Sheriffs who dealing with the doubling of the population of Harrison on Saturday, July 30, 2022. That includes hiring qualified traffic officers and improving the flow through town before, during, and after the game is over.
For more information on FC Barcelona and the game, read our prior article announcing the game and giving some background Barcelona Spain Coming to Harrison July 30th.
What are your thoughts on the NY Red Bulls v. FC Barcelona game? What’s your opinion on the Red Bulls Arena in general? Let Us Know Your Thoughts on our Community Discussion Board. If you have not signed up yet to participate you can Sign Up now.