333 Somerset Apartment Bldg on Planning Board Agenda Wed.Apr. 26, 2023
Apr 26, 2023
The Harrison Planning Board will be meeting on Wednesday, April 26, 2023, at 5:45 p.m. in Person with no Zoom option. First the meeting will start at 5:45 p.m. on the 3rd Floor of the Harrison Town Hall in the Conference Room for the Caucus and then move to the 2nd Floor of the Town Hall for the Meeting starting at 6 p.m. The Public is invited to attend both the Caucus and the Meeting portion.
The Harrison Planning Board is taking up one Application
Case #2302. Amended Preliminary and Final Major Site Plan with deviations of 333 Somerset Urban Renewal, LLC for property located in the Waterfront Redevelopment Area at 333 Somerset Street, Block 117.01, Lots 1.06 (Unit A). in the Town of Harrison, NJ.
Applicant proposes to redevelop the Property with 186 residential dwelling units, approximately 3,420 square feet of commercial space with 99 parking spaces provided in the adjacent municipal parking area.
Anyone who wants more details is welcome to ask questions at the Public participation part of the meeting. There has been changes to the Town of Harrison’s Redevelopment Ordinance to allow ¼ Parking Spaces per apartment unit if the proposed building is adjacent to the Town of Harrison Parking Garage. This building appears to be the property which is located at the corner of Somerset Street and South Third Street across from the Urby. There was no plan or diagram of the proposed building in the Agenda package on the Town’s Website.
Somerset street is famous for its bottlenecks where vehicles stop and traffic comes to a halt. We wonder if the Planning Board is considering a traffic study to determine the impact on traffic.
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