Both Harrison Town Meetings Canceled Week of 3/13/2023
Mar 13, 2023
Both Harrison Town meetings were canceled this week. The Monday, March 13, 2023 meeting of the Harrison Redevelopment Agency was canceled and the Wednesday, March 15, 2023 meeting of the Zoning Board of Adjustment was canceled. The next Town of Harrison meeting is Tuesday, March 21. 2023 when the Mayor & Council are scheduled to meet.
Do you attend Harrison Town Meetings? If you do not, why don’t you? Is it a lack of time? Is it because you think the elected officials and board members are doing a good job and there is no need to attend? Do you feel like attending a meeting is just a waste of time? In other words, why bother attending, the elected officials and board members are going to do whatever they want no matter your input. Let Us Know Your Thoughts on our Community Discussion Board. If you have not signed up yet to participate you can Sign Up now.
An example of how attending a Mayor & Council meeting matter is the recent change in Harrison Public Library’s hours of operation was a direct result of a Harrison resident attending the Mayor & Council meeting and following up on her request to expand the hours of the library at subsequent meetings. This resident was the reason for a change that is going to benefit many town residents including children’s access to the library and its resources. You can read about the Harrison Library Hours of Operation Change in our article entitled Harrison Library Changes Hours After Residents Complain at Mayor & Council Meetings